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Classes, courses and timetables

You can sign up, or log in here with your existing details to make a booking, find classes and courses and to pay your membership

We have chosen to use Goteamup as our booking system because it makes it easy for you to see our schedule and book classes!

Goteamup have also recently launched an app- how convenient I hear you say! Well…almost. Goteamup are not quite sorted with their app yet, so it works for most features but NOT ALL. So if you are looking on the app and can’t see your class, it probably hasn’t disappeared- it’s just on the web version.

Basically, the best way to ensure you can see all of our schedule and classes is by using the web version, until the app is running smoothly! Thank you for your patience and we look forward to see you in class!

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...and enjoy this wonderful activity
